Technology strikes again

The job of a marketing manager is unrecognisable from when I started real work back in 1990.  Though I didn’t know it at the time I was incredibly lucky to find myself in a company that was at the forefront of investing in technology. I didn’t discover this until I moved onto my next job four years later in a FTSE100 company who thought that one b+w mini-mac between 40 was the right ratio.

I like technology – and find it relatively intuitive – so over the years I haven’t been phased by the introduction of spreadsheets and mailmerge, email broadcast systems, various content management systems etc.  I’ve even managed to build our company website with some help from a friendly designer.

But sometimes it would just be better to ask someone else to do it for you.  I’ve spent five hours this afternoon trying to work out how to get the company logo onto the top of this blog.  You see I thought I knew what I was doing because I’m not scared of CSS code.  But then it wouldn’t, no matter how nicely or aggressively I tried, let me put my own picture back on the top.  That’s five hours that could have been spent harranging the client who still hasn’t paid their bill or filling in the latest forms for the ICO.  Why?

Fortunately Google saved the day.  With just the right question I found a man who told me exactly what to do, and hey presto! my header is back.

Next time maybe I’ll ask someone – but then again probably not.

Hellen @missioncontrol

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